In the early hours of December 20, 2024, a traffic incident occurred on the I-190, also known as the Niagara Thruway, impacting the southbound lanes just before Exit N6 at Elm Street and Oak Street. This crash, reported at 3:11 AM, resulted in the blockage of both the right and center lanes, causing significant disruptions for early morning commuters. The I-190 is a critical artery in the Buffalo, New York area, facilitating the flow of traffic between the city and the surrounding regions. This particular stretch of the thruway is known for its proximity to key urban landmarks and serves as a vital link for those traveling to and from the downtown core. The incident’s location near Elm Street and Oak Street places it in a bustling part of the city, often frequented by both local and through traffic. As a major route, the Niagara Thruway is essential for connecting various neighborhoods and providing access to the broader interstate network. The blockage of these lanes likely led to delays and necessitated detours, impacting not only regular commuters but also commercial vehicles that rely on this route for timely deliveries. Understanding the traffic patterns and potential delays in this area is crucial for planning efficient travel, especially during peak hours. This incident highlights the importance of staying informed about roadway conditions and potential disruptions on major thoroughfares like the I-190.