In the early hours of January 11, 2025, a traffic incident occurred on the I-190, also known as the Niagara Thruway, affecting the northbound lanes just before Exit N6 at Elm Street and Oak Street. This crash was reported at 1:56 AM, causing significant disruptions in the area. The I-190 is a critical artery in the Buffalo, New York region, providing a vital link for commuters and travelers heading towards Niagara Falls and the Canadian border. The surrounding area is a bustling part of Buffalo, known for its proximity to key landmarks and vibrant neighborhoods. Elm Street and Oak Street are notable for their accessibility to downtown Buffalo, making this incident particularly impactful for early morning commuters and local residents. The crash site is strategically located near several important roadways, which could lead to potential detours and increased traffic on alternative routes. As the incident unfolded, it was crucial for drivers to stay informed about the latest traffic updates to navigate the area safely. The New York State Incident Management team was promptly notified, ensuring that the situation was addressed efficiently to minimize further disruptions. Understanding the dynamics of this incident is essential for those traveling through the region, as it highlights the importance of staying updated on traffic conditions, especially in areas with high commuter traffic like the I-190 Niagara Thruway.